- List the role, play, playwright

- Explore all four levels of characterization as discussed in class:

  • Physical level: age, gender, height, weight, race, etc
    • Describe how physically active your character is.
  • Social level: characters circumstance with regards to, family, religion, business group membership
  • Psychological level: attitudes, beliefs, desires, likes, dislikes, motivation
  • Moral level: will audience view character symphathetically or not?
    • What moral choices does the character make?

- Describe your character's vocal characteristics.

- Describe your character's manner of dressing.

- Describe your character's grooming habits.

- List 3 or 4 major emotions that your character seems to experience the most.

- Consider the above in terms of this scene, the play, and your character's general life.

- What does your character want from the other?

- Clearly state your character's goal.

- List the tactics that your character uses.

- List a few major event of your character 's life prior to the play.

- List the major activities of your character prior to the scene.

- List the major activities of your character after s/he exits.

- Create a brief list of major character idiosyncrasies; likes and dislikes.