Plain Rice.....Or is it?

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience how I am closely connected with rice.

Central Idea: I symbolize a grain of rice in the following ways- when it is thrown into boiling water I am a child, when it begins to cook I am an adult, and as it ages it represents me as an elder.

Organizational pattern: Chronological and analogical.



It's 5:00 Monday evening, you just had a really busy day at school and your stomach is growling for food so you drag yourself over to the fridge. You open the door to some leftover rice or a carton of foul smelling milk. Your choices being limited you plunge into the rice. Did you ever consider that you could be eating yourself? That every grain you devour could represent you as a person? The other day it dawned on me how I am connected to this plain grain Today, I'm going to share with you my discovery of how rice symbolizes me as I child, an adult and how I predict I will be like as an elder.


I) When I was young I was full of energy, always going out to play.

A) I was really bubbly and full of life.

1) If you observe rice when you put it into boiling water it kind of acts the same way, It bounces around inside the pot as if it doesn't have a worry in the world.

a) As you watch it dance on the water it appears to be alive and carefree just like a child.

B) As I began to mature and become more of an adult.

1) I got a new pair of shoes every week because my body kept growing and growing.

2) Not only did my body grow, but my mind has expanded as well from all the new things I have learned.

C) After a couple minutes of boiling in water, the rice begins to cook the hard grains begin to loosen up and grow.

1) The rice grain is me, the water represents the ideals and values and just like the rice soaks up water, I soak up every aspect of life, learning and growing to be a better person.

Transition: These are the stages of my life that I have experienced already. What about the future?

II) I'm bound to get old someday and how does rice symbolize how I picture myself in my later year?

A) When rice gets old, it becomes cold and tends to clump together and is usually put into the fridge for safe keeping.

B) Just like leftover rice, my body will undergo major changes.

1) Now I'm not saying my legs will start to clump, just that I'll start to wrinkle and my hair will gray.

C) One thing that links me closest to rice as an elder is that I will always be wanted and appreciated.

1) Rice is always welcomed by a starving student and I will always have those who love me.


As we have seen a simple grain of rice can take on the roles of a Rambunctious child when it's boiling, an Intellectual adult when it's ready to serve and a Changed and Cared for senior when put into the fridge until next time. All of these different stages all mold together to Equal my life.

Now that I've let you in on my theory, don't let me mislead you to think I'm the only privileged one in this room to be so bonded with rice. You were a child once, were you not? You are an adult now, am I wrong? You will be an elder someday, no? So this makes you just as lucky as I am. So next time you dig into that hearty bowl of Spanish or white or brown rice after a hard day at school, just think you might not just be eating yourself, you could be eating everyone around you as well.