This page of links should still be very valuable to your research;
I'd advise you to visit each linked site and become familiar with the highlighted resources!

OBJECTIVE : With a group of classmates, become familiar with one section of the Humboldt State University Library and share that knowledge with the rest of the class. This will provide invaluable research tools for you.

DAY ONE : The class will meet in the Library lobby and form the pre-assigned groups for research. Go to a reserved Collaboration Station in or near Room 205 on the 2nd floor (up from the cafe). Groups 1, 2, 3 and 6 should follow these directions:

* Develop hypothetical speech topic to research.
* Look for supporting material for your research topic.
* Use the one class session wisely; keep track of successful tactics and searches.
* Be ready to present your successful search tactics next class session.

GROUP 1: Learn to use the CSU OneSearch to find books on the shelves. Look at Advanced Search, also. Do a "proximity search". Where can you find books of quotations?
GROUP 2: Learn to use the Articles + databases to access full text articles. Start with general databases of most use to most Comm 100 students, such as: EBSCOhost and Omnifile, and CQ Researcher then move to "Databases by Subject"

GROUP 3: Check out the Newspaper Library Guide and explore its links along with Proquest Newsstand, focusing on the general news section.

GROUP 4: Explore Zotero. Where can students download it? How can it help Comm 100 students gather and collate articles found in databases and assist in bibliography creation? How should they use it? Where can they get help?

GROUP 5: Explore the Library home page and your "my Humboldt" Library link. What features there are immediately useful to Comm 100 students that have not been covered in the other presentations? How do you use them? How can students get help with their research from these portals?
: Learn to use the U.S. Documents databases and websites; look at the Government Printing office, too. Try searching for topics you would and would not associate with government.

For groups searching in databases, consider the following:

* Using the search operator "OR" to widen your search.
* Using the search operator "AND" to search for more than one keyword at a time.
* Can searches be saved? Can you open an account for this?
* What kind of help system is built in?
* Will the site or database help you format citations for your bibliography?
* Are there features that help you refine your search and/or topic?

GROUP 7: Evaluate research tools from the Library site: HSU Research Guides, especially Communication. Take a good look at the online SkillShop “Research Basics". Evaluate this class website: Speech Preparation. How useful is the 24/7 research help? (Ask a Librarian or Chat with a Librarian)
GROUP 8: Visit the Writing Studio on the web and in a portable over at the events field and find out what it has to offer.

For the Writing Studio, consider the following:

* What services can be found there?
* When are Consultants available to help?
* Choose a good informative topic just for this exercise and with the consultant, begin the writing process.

DAYS TWO (& THREE): The class will meet in Library Room 205 for presentations. Each group will have about 10 to 12 minutes to present. On Day two, groups 1 - 4 will present and groups 5 - 8 will present on day three.

PRESENTATIONS : As you will have only about 10 to 12 minutes to present your findings, consider the following:

* Present a general overview of the systems or Library area.
* Present only what you've discovered that will help your classmates use the resources productively.
* Discuss how what you've found will be useful in speech preparations.
* Show the Library handouts and/or online help systems.